Prep Course for the GMAT®


"I improved 240 points! You literally got me into (my 1st choice program)! I really cannot thank you enough. Your enthusiasm kept me tuned into the material... You are great at what you do and I recommend your class to everyone I talk to.”


Our GMAT test preparation program provides a thorough review of all tested math and verbal skills. Case studies involving real test questions help to reinforce the connection between the various skills and the ways they are tested on the GMAT. The program consists of 24 hours of classroom instruction from an experienced instructor, together with additional practice problems, sample tests, and skill review exercise.


Quantitative Topics include:

  • strategies for handling math questions in the confusing data sufficiency format
  • techniques for picking numbers for Yes/No questions in data sufficiency format
  • approaches to math questions presented in abstract form
  • tactics for translating difficult real-world word problems into algebraic expressions or equations


Verbal Topics include:

  • spotting correct idiomatic speech in sentence completion problems
  • understanding the key components of arguments in critical reasoning problems
  • answering reading comprehension questions quickly, without reading the entire passage


General Topics Include:

  • utilizing the process of elimination
  • mastering time management skills
  • minimizing test anxiety
  • identifying common distracters




“I have been able to increase my GMAT score from a 470 (first practice test score…) to a 640 (official test score…). I really appreciate all the advice, tutoring, and test strategies you shared with me. I know I could not have gotten a score like this without taking your class. Thanks again for everything!!"




GMAC® and GMAT® are a registered trademarks of Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). This website and class are not endorsed or approved by GMAC.

A Quality GMAT Preparation Program


The GMAT is the preferred exam for many top-ranking full-time and part-time MBA programs

Expert Instructors

Our test prep instructors are highly trained professionals. Our experienced instructors know the GMAT and care about helping you achieve your goal.

Proven Strategies

ETC's curriculum was developed by test prep experts, who have years of experience writing exam questions and preparing students for success.

Superior Materials

The Course includes The Official Guide for GMAT Review, and the Course Workbook, designed to supplement the lessons.

Convenient Schedule Options

Choose between face-to-face and live-online courses. Classroom test prep programs are conveniently held on the university campus.
GMAT Session Information


Our GMAT test preparation program provides a thorough review of all tested math and verbal skills


Quantitative Topics Include:

  • Strategies for handling math questions in the confusing data sufficiency format
  • Approaches to math questions presented in abstract form
  • Tactics for translating difficult real-world word problems into algebraic expressions or equations
  • Review of the mathematical concepts tested in each of the GMAT quantitative formats

Verbal Topics Include:

  • Spotting correct idiomatic speech in sentence completion problems
  • Understanding the key components of arguments in critical reasoning problems
  • Answering reading comprehension questions quickly, without reading the entire passage


Integrated Reasoning Topics Include:

  • Interpreting data from tables, graphs, text, and other sources
  • Dealing with multiple questions about the same data
  • Analyzing data from multiple columns for Two-Part Analysis questions

Choose the Format That Works for you!


Classes are offered on campus and online, giving you the option to choose the format and schedule that works best for your university

Face-to-Face Test Preparation Classes

Our classroom programs give students the familiar experience of working within a traditional classroom setting. Students are able to interact face-to-face with our expert instructors and learn amongst their peers. With our face-to-face courses, students get the university experience and exposure on campus. This is a popular option for universities who want to increase foot traffic to campus!


Live-Online Test Preparation Classes

Live-online classes offer the same great program as the traditional prep class with the added flexibility of attending class from anywhere or at any time. Our virtual classroom provides students with the opportunity to interact in real-time with our expert instructors with the added benefit of watching recordings of class sessions at the students' convenience for up to 30 days after the course ends. The Live-Online format is offered online using Adobe Connect, a free browser plug-in. All students need are a high-speed internet connection, speakers or head phones, and Adobe Flash Player, which can also be downloaded for free. Course materials will be delivered directly to the students' home, or arrangements can be made for students to pick them up at the university.

Hear What our GMAT Students had to say


Educational Testing Consultants helps thousands of students at major colleges and universities across the United States

Student Testimonials

Join the successful MBA students who have benefitted from our GMAT prep course
"I just want to give you an update and let you know I won't be at the final class tomorrow because I took the GMAT yesterday and did well. When I did the practice exam back at the start of our class I got a 530 and was nervous about taking the real exam, but yesterday I got a 640 on the actual test. I would really like to go to SMU for their Professional MBA program and I think my score is slightly higher than the average for incoming students. Thanks so much for all of the tips and insight that you've given during your classes. It has definitely made a difference and I'm glad that I took your class! The passion that you have for the types of problems on the GMAT is apparent in every class and it makes learning the material a lot of fun. I scored...(*drumroll*)... 700, and maxed out on IR!!! …It took a lot to keep myself from jumping up and down in joy in my chair and distracting all the other test-takers. Personal achievement bonus: finished the Verbal with 30min to spare. Once again, I owe all of this success to you and the strategies y'all taught me during the class. Thank you!"
"I just want to give you an update and let you know I won't be at the final class tomorrow because I took the GMAT yesterday and did well. When I did the practice exam back at the start of our class I got a 530 and was nervous about taking the real exam, but yesterday I got a 640 on the actual test. I would really like to go to SMU for their Professional MBA program and I think my score is slightly higher than the average for incoming students. Thanks so much for all of the tips and insight that you've given during your classes. It has definitely made a difference and I'm glad that I took your class! The passion that you have for the types of problems on the GMAT is apparent in every class and it makes learning the material a lot of fun. I scored...(*drumroll*)... 700, and maxed out on IR!!! …It took a lot to keep myself from jumping up and down in joy in my chair and distracting all the other test-takers. Personal achievement bonus: finished the Verbal with 30min to spare. Once again, I owe all of this success to you and the strategies y'all taught me during the class. Thank you!"
"Hi! Just letting you know I went up 90 points on the GMAT after the prep course! Thank you"
"When I did the practice exam back at the start of our class I got a 530 and was nervous about taking the real exam, but yesterday I got a 640 on the actual test. Thanks so much for all of the tips and insight that you've given during your classes. It has definitely made a difference and I'm glad that I took your class! The passion that you have for the types of problems on the GMAT is apparent in every class and it makes learning the material a lot of fun."

GMAC® and GMAT® are a registered trademarks of Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). This website and class are not endorsed or approved by GMAC.


Educational Testing Consultants Inc.

6012 Bayfield Pkwy / Concord, NC 28027 / USA 855.382.8378
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